Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why does my girlfriend flirt behind my back when she says she loves me more than anything ?? 2?

i know i posted the same question.. ill make this one more detailed.... .. ok.. so i catch my girlfriend flirting with other guys every now and then.. i explain to her and tell her how it makes me depressed and that im a jealous guy... she says she cant help it tho that she is sorry... we really love eachother.. she says that she will NEVER EVER break up with me and that im stuck with her no matter what... i ask if she likes the guys she flirts with .. and she says no..she thinks there ugly also.. if she brings up a guy i randomly ask if she thinks these people she talks about are hot or good lookin to her..she always says no..she says that im the only good looking person in the world and that im gorgous..... she says she only loves me and will never start liking another guy even if she found some1 better then me.... i just dont get it... she tells me shes gonna stop...and then i asked her if she still flirts with guys like a month or two later.. and she says "im sure i have"

Why does my girlfriend flirt behind my back when she says she loves me more than anything ?? 2?cute myspace

she does love you and she is sorry she really doesn't notice she is doing it my friend does it all the time behind her boyfriends back and if you ask her if she likes that guy it is always the same answer no you no i love joey(her boyfriend) it is strange but it is just how some girls are and cant help it

Why does my girlfriend flirt behind my back when she says she loves me more than anything ?? 2?custom myspace myspace.com

When she says she loves you more than anything she's lying.
Your girlfriend is a dirty whore. Just cheat on her. Then don't return her calls.
All women flirt.
The dirty liar. Either that or her definition of flirting is different from yours.
It sounds like she's insecure, and needs to constantly validate herself by flirting with guys and getting a good reaction from them. Some people are like that, especially when they are young and selfish, and it sounds like you are young. You're either going to have to accept that she does this, or find someone else who isn't insecure.
SIMPLE : SHES A HO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could be she needs to "grow up" or she simply wants to 'play the field" cause she's not quite ready to be with only one b/f. Either way, the flirting can and likely will lead to more, only a matter of time or opportunity.
She may not be ready for commitment. She may love you, but probably isn't certain that you're the one. She needs to find out what other guys are like before she can "settle down".
I'm a girl, so I know that even though one might have a boyfriend, flirting is still a habit, and I find nothing wrong with harmless firting. We want to know that other guys like us, but it doesn't mean we want to actually date them. It's just what we do. Learn to live with it. However, if it's NOT harmless flirting, and it seems like she's really into the other guys, then break up. sry, but she's got to recognize that you have feelings too
Girls think completely different than guys do. You cant just ask her if she is flirting you either have to lay down the law or flirt with other girls to show her how it is. Your best bet is flirting with other girls infront of her and then acting like it was nothing. Girls think with there emotions so u have to get to there emotions not just there mind.
She is an attention monger! She is most probably a cheat to. You can always set her up to find out the truth. There are alot of ways to do this. But if you cant handle the truth, don't even bother. Odds are you'll get your little heart broken!
Sounds like you may be pretty young, but this is common when first dating. Self esteem hasn't fully developed, so she flirts because it makes her feel better about herself. You get jealous because you're unsure of yourself. It will get better as you get older. The odds of you spending your life with someone you're dating in high school is really slim though, so just have fun with her while you're together and realize that people change and you will most likely be with someone else soon. So, don't put too much weight into this one relationship. Try to relax and enjoy while you can. peace!
If you don't like it and she won't stop, then maybe you should start flirting with other girls. See how jealous she gets, maybe that'll let her feel how you feel when she flirts. It may get her to stop or it may prove that she has been lying about how secure your relationship really is.
Erm, cant say I agree with the ones below. You sound young, and very impressionable. You might think you love her, but don't get too attached if even you can tell that she's doing something to disrespect you. You do need to seriously consider breaking up with her, though, before she breaks your heart. Flirting is just as bad as cheating.
Ok man...you either trust her or you dont. Go with your gut instinct. Sorry to burst your bubble...but youre NOT the only good looking person in the world! I mean, come on, you actually beleive that?!! Its human nature to be attracted to people...it wouldnt be normal if you werent! Its okay to not want to get to know them or be as interested...Just do whatever makes you happy in life. If that means putting everything you have into your relationship with her then do it! But if you could be happier else where, then go, get on with your life and stop wasting your time!
I dated a girl who did the samething and said the same things to me. Its bullshyt buddy, My ex finally cheated on me and left me like i was nothing i did everything for her and it didnt matter she didnt care. Trust me dude shes not making u happy leave her casue she will leave u why would she do something that made u unhappy tell her its over u watch she'll either stop it or date another guy a weak laitter she no good man.
you know what turns girls on most?? jealousy

and she so loves making you jealous, she's just playing with you. remember that if she says she loves you, she loves you.

its okay to be jealous, it might even be a good thing at times.

just dont get too bummed by it. If youve been with this girl for a long time and you havent had too many problems with disloyalty then im sure its nothing...just in her nature
You know what it sounds like she's insecure that she needs to feel valuated by flirting you know how it is...When you flirt and get a responsive it feels empowering? It does but I she has you she shouldn't need that? Maybe you should compliment her more! I would say do some flirting too but two wrongs don't make a right!
First of all you need to work on your self esteem issues. If you were more confidant and trusting in your relationship you would not have this problem, yet your girlfriend is disrespecting you when she flirts with other guys. I went through this with my Fiance when we first met and I told him how it made me feel and I did not appreciate it. He did stop his flirting with other females, but at the same time My self esteem improved and I had to mentally tell myself that IF things did NOT change, Our relationship would end and I made it clear to him also. If we cannot trust each other and there is not mutual Respect, then a Future together would not be possible.
She has a self-esteem problem otherwise known as insecurity of how she appears to others. If she had high esteem of herself it would be unnecessary to flirt.

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