Tuesday, December 1, 2009

--------flirt and stuff ------?

kk so umhh have a couple questions so umh

1. where to find hot emo boys like where do they hang out and like how to get 1 or even just kiss one lol

2. flirting tips plzz

3. how to make out lol ??

--------flirt and stuff ------?search myspace

sweetie dont worry about stuff like that every thing will come in its sweet time and when its right you will know just what to do just enjoy life little one ....dont try to grow up to fast please! on behalf of all the dads of all the little princesses out there just be daddys girl ,those boys will be around you soon enough! too soon right dads?!?!God bless you kitten!

--------flirt and stuff ------?good myspace myspace.com


why do you like creepy emo boys? but they always ahng at the mal leika t hot topic and spencers and stuff and flirt jsut laugh alot and smile and show them you are fun and to mkae out don't wory about btu don't do it until you relaly leikt eh perosn not jsut to get it over wiht trust me
you are crazy, low self esteem, poor baby! thats dangerous. sad sad sad. u must be ugly and desperate
How about self control then the guy do the chase.
Read a book, honey! Stop waisting time on Yahoo! Answers!

Flirt or dirtbag???

im confused...My friends and I were hanging out and the girl who i like(she doesnt know this) was sitting with me. We were talking about looks and good looking people (I am a lil bit self conscious of myself). She made a remark like "everyone is good looking in their own way, except this one of course" and nodded towards me..it was playful but then she immediately said "just kidding" is she a duschebag or was she just flirting with me

Flirt or dirtbag???adult myspace

if she's not a duschebag she really sucks at flirting.

Flirt or dirtbag???bad girls club myspace.com

well this depends.

i dont think it was cool of her

to hoe you out in front of people

like that, but maybe it was a flirting thing.
def just flirting with you.
she was joking cmon u kno im like the girl who punches cute guys its like that
You were probably wearing your insecurity all over you. She sounds like a little beotch to me.
flirting its sounds liek a joke
i think she was flirting wiv u hun
she is not a dirtbag, she is being funny. she might not even be flirting, but she is being friendly towards you. my friends and i make comments like that all the time, and you wouldn't say that to someone who wasn't your friend. the fact that she said that to you reinforces the fact that you are friends. usually, your best friends are the ones that give you the most crap about how you look or whatever.
Flirting.... I have a pretty sarcastic sense of humor- but I generally only use it if I feel comfortable with the person, so I would take it as a good sign. That she was flirty and is comfortable enough with you to tease you. Next step... ask her out! ;)

How do you FLIRT with a girl?

FLIRTING TIPS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you FLIRT with a girl?girl myspace

put your co.ck, in her hands

How do you FLIRT with a girl?myspace live myspace.com

You admire, hit on, check out, suggest, compliment, act all sweet. BS
talk to her

smile a lot

make eye contact

touch her arm

laugh at her jokes

Here's your answer...funny. =]
1.Find out is the girls likes you

2.Don't give those stupid lines most guys do we hate that just be your self

3.Just talk to the girl and be normal not all weird

i hope that this helps!
oh geeze..its always harder on the guy! lol well, just first talk to the girl, but keep in mind, that maybe the girl may act nicely back to you, but that wont mean she likes you. just talk to her first, compliment her, and eventually ask her out.

Flirt what do I do?!!?

Ok so there is this guy who keeps flirting with me! And I want to back. But its my first time. Any advice? But I dont want to seem to skanky or forward. Help? Oh and Im 14.

Flirt what do I do?!!?icons for myspace

Make eye contact and smile naughtily. Turn away quickly!

Flirt what do I do?!!?hidden myspace myspace.com

your to young sweetheart. you can flirt when your my age. 16
wtf...??? do u like him/
Flirting is an art, a personal style. No one can tell you how you have to find your own way.

Some girls can do it with just a certain look, still others do all kinds of bending over and stuff like that.

Then there's my personal fav; do something that requires holding his arm but when you do hold it close to your chest, but act like you don't know you're doing it. This takes skill to pull off without being obvious. So don't try it without practice. There are many other ways!!
Flirting is a natural response from your mind. It's not something you can reproduce when experienced and young.

Define: flirt? is Eye-contact and no other type of comunication a flirt?

Any activity that is intended to convey a non-serious short-term sexual interest in a person is a "flirt".

Flirt tips please...??

So my school is going on a trip to washington DC wednesday and today we found out our groups and my crush is in mine, not only that but im more friends with him then anyone esle. We have t spend bascially 3 whole days together. Any advice..im not that good at flirting any tips...thanks.

Flirt tips please...??custom myspace

um talk to him but 1st make sure if hes interested in you like that

Flirt By Winking?

When you wink at a girl, how do you do it in a way to let her know you're flirting? If a girl ever tells me she is single, what would winking at her tell her?

Flirt By Winking?sexy myspace

dont wink at her to fast, make eye contact, than wink, than smile. Make sure there is no one else around for her to think you are winking at the person behind her. If she does look around like are you winking at me and she looks back at you, smile and wink again and shake your head yes, like ya you.

Winking is a hard one to guess on. This guy winked at me all the time and i really thought he liked me yet he had a girlfriend. So, it is really hard to figure out a wink sometimes. if she turns red and looks down, she is shy and most likely likes you too.

Flirt By Winking?deleted myspace myspace.com

I'm talking on the phone to my ex and she says "smile sweetly, and don't wink slow...girls hate that.." i don't know if that help much but yea.

Why do girls flirt with guys you like?

I have this friend and she knows i like this guy at our school but she still flirts with him trying to make him like her and she does this every time i like someone. Plus she is just getting very anoying because she thinks that every guy wants her uhhh so what are some ways I can kind of get her back for that?!

Why do girls flirt with guys you like?kids myspace

ask her 2 stop and this is not her business

Why do girls flirt with guys you like?premade myspace myspace.com

leave her. she isn't a true friend.
if she has a crush on someone, u should flirt with them in front of her. good luck...
i think she is jealous and want him for herself but you shouldnt get back at her. sometimes i just dont tell them that i like someone and i try to act myself around them. but you shouldnt get back at her for that.
Friends like that who need a freaking enemy?!? The best way for you to get back is not let her get to you..... There will be a time that the guy you really like and like you alot will be the one that will tell her off how bad she acts toward you.
Just face her and tell her that whatever she is doing is not good and you don't like it at all and if she value your friendship she should stop her behaviours or else you quit.
You don't even have to get her back but instead you can tell her that you would appreciate it that every guy that likes you would she please back off and it sounds like she's not really a good friend either it might be best to drop her like a bad habit.
she is not a true friend so dont talk to her no more.

Is she being the typical flirt or wants more ??

right ive known this woman the past 2 weeks we have ebcome good freinds. she has described me as the sweetest and msot caring person she ahs ever met she flirts alot when im around from hugs kisses smiles stares and even the od grabbing of my backside.

the catch is she ahs a boyfreind who she ahs been seeing the past month. so i ahve returned some flirts with her such as staring smiling being awfully kind to ehr and the odd 3 sec kiss on lips but not enough to arouse suspision between freinds. anyway id like to know what you think?? she has never been anything other than kind and considerate towards me and ive returned the same although her flirting teqniuqe arrouses suspicion. my question to you is.

should i express my true feelings for her i really do like her

Is she being the typical flirt or wants more ??myspace quiz

Express your feelings or you'll feel bad forever

Is she being the typical flirt or wants more ??kids myspace myspace.com

sure! maybe she'll dump her boyfriend for you

if she doesn't: move on, she's a tease
I wouldn't express anything to her until you hear that she is no longer with her boyfriend. To do so would be asking for trouble.
sounds risky but if you're willing to take that risk go for it!

Is she being the typical flirt or wants more ??

right ive known this woman the past 2 weeks we have ebcome good freinds. she has described me as the sweetest and msot caring person she ahs ever met she flirts alot when im around from hugs kisses smiles stares and even the od grabbing of my backside.

the catch is she ahs a boyfreind who she ahs been seeing the past month. so i ahve returned some flirts with her such as staring smiling being awfully kind to ehr and the odd 3 sec kiss on lips but not enough to arouse suspision between freinds. anyway id like to know what you think?? she has never been anything other than kind and considerate towards me and ive returned the same although her flirting teqniuqe arrouses suspicion. my question to you is.

should i express my true feelings for her i really do like her

Is she being the typical flirt or wants more ??myspace quiz

Express your feelings or you'll feel bad forever

Is she being the typical flirt or wants more ??kids myspace myspace.com

sure! maybe she'll dump her boyfriend for you

if she doesn't: move on, she's a tease
I wouldn't express anything to her until you hear that she is no longer with her boyfriend. To do so would be asking for trouble.
sounds risky but if you're willing to take that risk go for it!

How do you flirt with a girl that never has had a boyfriend?

so theres this girl that i been talking to and stuff and its going good like she flirts with me and i do the same in class we do the "cutest" things but she never answers my calls for some reason and she never had a bf why do you guys think she never answers my calls?

How do you flirt with a girl that never has had a boyfriend?tiny myspace

I've never had a boyfriend, I'm 15. And the same thing happens to me. When I give a guy my number, and he calls ...SOMETIMES I answer it. Why? I don't know, ...I don't think I know how to flirt over the phone, and I don't always know what to say at times so the conversation is really quiet.

I and I never call guys, I think it's because I'm scared I'll call him at the wrong time (Like if he's with his friends, talking to his parents, or on the phone with someone else). And also because I can't come up with a reason to call him, even though I really want to talk to him. Like, I don't want to call his phone and just be like "Hey" ..and not know what else to say. I'll feel dumb.

Just keep calling her, and let her know you're REALLY interested, and that regardless of.. if she knows what to say...you want to talk to her. She'll come around, when she's more "phone comfortable".lol.

How do you flirt with a girl that never has had a boyfriend?celebrities myspace myspace.com

'' she never answers my calls?'' maybe because she isn't intrested and you are misreading what she is doing as more? -.-
maybe she's Bi...

and right now she's swinging towards the other side...
just send her text ..........
maybe she's scared. ask her in person, or just take it slowly! get her to feel comfortable around you.
maybe she is forgetful, and doesn't know that you like her so you are not at the top of the list of her priorities. Just tell her your feelings, then she will start calling you back
Is it her home or cell phone? Because maybe she's interested but has really strict parents. If not that then she's hiding something...
Honestly she probablly does not like you if she is not answering your calls or calling you back. You shoud ask her why she doesn't call you back. Maybe she isn't allowed to have phone calls. Who knows. Just ask. I think girls who have not had boyfriends are the easiest to get to! Good luck.
She might be shy on the phone. I am the SAME way. I prefer to text than to talk on the phone. I just get shy on the phone, and I don't like awkward silence. Have you tried texting her?
because she isn't
Ask her.
Why not just ask her?
Maybe too nervous? Especially since she has never had a b/f could be very nervous. On top of that maybe she isn't allowed to talk on the phone? Depends on her family situation.
You should ask her why she never answers your calls. Maybe she is too shy!
i would say that i am infering that you have had a prior girlfriend and just come up bluntly and ask her out. if u are fairly new into the relationship then go hang with her forr a while and earn her trust
Hey its ok if she never had a boyfriend. Had it occured to you that she may not be able to go out?Like her parents might not let her. I got the same problem with a guy that likes me at school and I avoid calling him or being too close to him. I am not allowed to go out and I am almost 16.
Hmmm...well, if she doesn't answer her calls and you KNOW that she does for others, then she's trying to avoid it...she may be trying to be nice (sometimes may come off as flirting, simply responding politely), but doesn't feel that way. Who starts the conversations? She may also like you, but is shy about talking on the phone because she doesn't want an awkward silence.

What is the best way to flirt with women?

I want to know this because I suck at it! I recently flirted with one who had gorgeous eyes, and almost got in trouble for it.

Now I am questioning this whole flirting thing... and how it is done. What are the right ways and the wrong ways?

What is the best way to flirt with women?comment boxes for myspace

Are you kidding???

Women are so confusing it is scary. A way might seem right with one woman, and a total disaster with another.

Just keep at your style, perfect it, and you will start to succeed.

What is the best way to flirt with women?myspace quotes myspace.com

be yourself. women see through all the fake stuff
Dude, you definatly have to be yourself
know how to listen, really listen.
Don't use cheesey lines, whatever you do. Don't be cocky, either. Show confidence (not to be confused with arrogance), class, and sincerity. Express a genuine interest in her. Ask her questions about herself. Women know when you're interested in getting to know them vs. when you're only interested in getting with them.
Know this. Most girls are liars. Even though this society calls for girls to be sweet and want guys who are nice and caring, and blah blah blah. That is a lie. Most girls would fall head over heels for the bad boys type quickly even though they are not suppose to. So be a bad boy. Do crazy things. You'll attract female more.
If it鈥瞫 someone you know and have chance to talk to (like a co-worker or a neighbor etc.) try paying attention to her.

When you talk, try to keep eye contact (but just for enough time for it to start to be unconfortable; its not supposed to be visual rape or anything creepy). Remember things she said at previous times, this will show you were paying attention. Try to do something nice once in a while (for evolutionary reasons, females have better memory to keep track of prospect mates attitudes and likelihood that he鈥瞝l be helpful in child raising) so several small gestures will mean more than a single grand one.

But do avoid the sweet-guy-at-hands-reach trap. From time to time pull back and simply treat her politely but without any special attention. This will make her miss the I鈥瞞 special feeling.

Keep turning the heat on and off and soon, she鈥瞝l crack, like a rock under the sun and rain. Of course, you do realize this whole process might take a few million years, so it really only makes sense for that one special girl.
Why do you have to flirt? Like bat your eyelashese? Or show your calves? First, talk, be sincere, if she smiles, play on that. Women like to be made to smile, they can start to feel excited thinking that they are laughing and smiling because of you! Don't think so much about flirting, but communicate. Men aren't so good at it but a woman will put you at the top if you know how to talk. by the way, I am a woman! (you could also ask women....maybe it's better than asking men)
Girls like it when men are nice to them. Then you can get a little closer to them later. Just a little though.
Trip them as they walk by you. They'll know that you've noticed them.
I think you need to show this by small gestures,like helping her or assisting by taking her coat or buy her a drink..in other words act like a real gentleman.
My man and I have been together 3.5 years now, and what made me like him was that he was very nice to me, He told me about 2 months before we started going out "don't take this wrong, but you're beautiful" Which made me blush, but we talked about things we had in common, and soon started dating. Be nice, don't be a pig, maybe you could ask her friends about her, that way it is sure to get back to her, and she will know you like her.

How to flirt?!?!?!?

what are some good flirting techniques?

like things that i can do that makes a guy feel happy (i mean by flirting)

How to flirt?!?!?!?myspace top

Talk to him and show him you are intersted in him..... I am a guy and the most I want from girls if they like me is just to show me that they are intersted in me.... Talk to the guy, Start a conversation.... Don't be affraid to show him that you like him.... But don't go too far..... Then you'll just make him think you're a slut.... and it's all down hill from there....

Thoughtfully, Nick

How to flirt?!?!?!?official myspace myspace.com

Looking at him in a way....
if u no wht im sayin u need to get all up on him whisper in his ear and wht ever u wnt lol
Try to give sexy looks %26amp; apeals using clothing make up %26amp; precise to the point attracting the others conversation.

Wave every time you see him (they think its hot but don't ask me why)

Smile a lot!

Giggle when they look at you

It is as simple as that. I am a pro!!!
play the video game with him, he will love that. Do stuff with him that interests him, even if u hate it lol it will make u closer as a couple. Guys arent really into really sentimental stuff but there are ways to their heart. Cook his favorite dish or dessert. Buy him something u know he will go crazy over.
flirting cant be taught, when you meet someone you hanker after natural instinct takes over and you start acting like a kid in front of them, trying to get their attention, eye contact, smiles. just relax eh.

once in a while, lightly touch me or giv him a playful shove, or draw on him. (it works if ur around 13-16) be mysterious,but not 2 much. laugh lighly not like a maniac, %26amp; giv him the quick once-over
First off when flirting you don't want to make it obvious and unattractive. This just turns a guy off and makes you look stupid. Secondly when flirting you may want to smile a lot more and be cute or sexy but not slutty. Give the guy a compliment or give off little hints that may make him like you more. Try joking with him and if you guys are cool enough with each other maybe give him a hug a day. Call him up on his phone and ask how he's doing. Sometimes it's the more simple things that can make a guy like you.
try talking about stuff that you think he would like i.e. sports, music. and also if he makes a joke giggle or something. don't be to nervous but act over obsessive. just try and be casual.
While he is walking past u, u should purposly fall down and drop ur books. Boys want to be really nice so he should help u.
Kid around with him.

Say complimentary things to him.

Brush up against him - shoulder, hands, etc.

Give him a sexy look.
Look at him in a cute way. ( practice in the mirror)

Talk to him and stare at him with your hand under your chin.

Look happy.

Hold his hand like its really smooth.

Ask him questions.

If he doesn't answer, make him more comfortable.

Wear a short dress.

Take him to a place that you can talk with out people looking at you.

Don't say "uhh" or "ugh".

Find out what sports he plays and watch him play.

Tell him secrets.

Change the tone of your voice to like a smooth voice.

Is it ok to flirt with a guy who has a gf?

So this guy I hooked up with once IMed me to see how I was doing since im pregnant (not his baby). Well for some reason we started talking about the time we hooked up and we both got kinda turned on. He had a gf when we were together 8 months ago and they are still together now. I kno i shouldnt be flirting with him but for some reason i cant help it. He keeps saying how he misses kissing me and he can't help that he wants me. What should I do? Is it ok to keep flirting as long as we arent doing anything?

Is it ok to flirt with a guy who has a gf?unblock myspace

Find your own man to flirt with. Would you want some girl flirting with your man?

Is it ok to flirt with a guy who has a gf?backgrounds for myspace myspace.com

No you idiot.
no...for your karma sake leave him alone...plus your pregnant.....have some respect for your baby....good luck
If he wanted to be with you, he would break up with his girlfriend and come ask you out.
sure if hes okey with it!
I flirt with a girl who had a bf and she didn't seem to mind, she was quite flattered
Sew your legs shut.
Let me ask you a question.

He is doing this with his current girlfriend. So what if he decides that he wants to be with you and leaves his girlfriend... what is going to stop him from doing the same thing to you?
Yeah, not cool. That's break up material in my book.
I agree with Michelle, it wrong, what goes around comes around.
girls always be hittin on me when i have a gf but once im single i gotta go get them...

Want me to flirt with you instead?

Your asking for trouble with him. He's obviously just using you to get some booty.
stop flirting . how would you like it. and you're pregnant. chill out.
leave him alone
No, its not okay.

If you flirt then what's the message you're presenting? You're saying, "I don't care if you have a gf, we can still do it for fun." You've got to grow up and take some responsibility for your future... I know he keeps coming on you, but that's just his hormones running.
Playing with fire will always seem exciting, but just remember that someone will always get burned, and chances are it will be you who will end up crying. You know full well what your flirting will lead to, or at least you are hoping for it. He probably knows that, and will play you as far as you will let him.

How do i flirt with a guy without making it obvious, cuz i could use some tips!?

I really like this guy, but my problem is that 4 other girls like him too! I don't think dressing 2 show off my body will help cuz he likes athletic girls! i could use some flirting tips cuz when ever i try, i make it kindda obvious and i don't want 2 be. unless i know he likes me, and if i knew he liked me it's still probably not a good idea to be too obvious...HELP...PLEASE!

How do i flirt with a guy without making it obvious, cuz i could use some tips!?myspace background

You cant do anything...unless your acting like yourselft...if he likes you back he will relize what your doing...so yea be yourself all the way...cause NO ONE likes fakers

How do i flirt with a guy without making it obvious, cuz i could use some tips!?flash myspace myspace.com

well a good idea is not the one that says get into sports team or lie. try joining clubs that hes in and ask him what he likes and his fav sport ask him questions you would ask a friend and eventually he'll start liking that your treating him like a friend and not being all over him like other girls

Best of Luck
1.Just because he likes athletic girls doesn't mean that he doesn't like revealing clothing.

2.its alot easier to flirt when your not wearing something like that

3. it does NOT matter if four other girls like him at ALL.

here is the very first tip and maybe the only one

ask him for his myspace or aim thats suttle and then you can go from there!

it always works


good luck ?

Should salespeople flirt with customers?

i have a sale woman at my business and she flirts a lot with men. there are a lot of times you can see that their wives do not care for it. There are times also that she in flirting comes across rather crude.. what should i do?

Should salespeople flirt with customers?myspace pics

There is a big difference between being a friendly salesperson, and coming on to your customers. That's not appropriate behaviour at all for a salesperson and someone needs to tell her that.

Should salespeople flirt with customers?pimp myspace myspace.com

Sometimes a little flirting is OK. There are boundaries, and in sales, women are far more likely to use flirtation as a device to help make a sale. It seems odd she would flirt with the wife there, and also that it comes across as crude.

She may be over the line, and maybe the supervisor could talk to her.

How are her sales?
Next time she dangles her shoe at a customer, snatch it and slap her upside the noggin' with it! When a woman "dangles," she is BEGGING for it -- and I don't mean the slapping.
If you are her supervisor and you are uncomfortable with the ethics of her business conduct, you should discuss your concerns with her.

Whether it's right or not, a lot of sales people use their charm to sell more products. I think you should be more concerned if your purchasers are directing business towards a charming sales rep instead of to the person who has the best prices for the products and services
Give her a verbal warning and if that does not work write her up for being unprofesional.
why dont you just approach her and tell her tht she shd stop doing it.since at times it becomes over it might spoil hers or ur shop's reputation.make it straight thats much much better than beating around the bush.
slap the ***** n chuck her!!!
Are you a manager or supervisor to this girl? If so, then advise her to sell the company and not herself.

If you are a fellow employee and not her friend, say something to her supervisor.

If you are her friend, go someplace private and tell her of your concern.

When guys flirt does it mean they're interested?

When a guy flirts does that necessarily mean he's interested in you? Like mid-teens age guys, that aren't known for being players. Flirting like being funny around you, picking you up, tapping you on the shoulder, looking at you from the corner of their eye, poking you, etc. (There's not just one guy that does all this btw, its like 3.) Or can a guy actually JUST be interested in friendship lol.

When guys flirt does it mean they're interested?hot myspace

Well it truly comes down to what u define flirting as. You may think his flirting, but that might be his personality. Remember the only way to know is to ask :)

When guys flirt does it mean they're interested?graphics for myspace myspace.com

teenage lads are just typical flirts, end of.
most guys flirt it doesnt neccesarilly mean theyre interested
in something u do not want to give

if thy like you
They are just practicing for the real deal. Ha
i am a guy and we usually do tha because we like the gurl
The age old question emerges.. does he like me?... guys are goofballs, sometimes we dont even know if we like you.. we're just trying to find out if you like us, or we're just playing around.. flirt back, play back, the best part of this is, you dont have to commit to anything, if you like him - just ask him if he likes you.
How do u decide tht, he s flirt, it may be only social moment know, so don't think in tht sense, n don't waste ur time also, if u stduying, concentrate on tht only.............
Flirting can mean they're interested.. but not always because some people are just natural flirts with everyone.
Mid-teens guys can be players, too. Kind of players-in-training.

If the guy is flirting with you, it either means he likes you, or it means he likes himself and he's making a collection. But if I had to guess, I'd say he's interested in you. Not as a friend.
when they flirt maybe they are inteested and for friendship and they like you
n0t always interested. trust me ive gotten that opion from lots of guys, (my friends) its not that they usually mean it. sometimes it maybe that they are, but also its not done to give a girl a wrong idea purposely, its sorta dificult to say. But when a guy is interested in you trust me youll know. unless he is a guy who doesnt have the balls to tell you straight up.
When a guy flirts he's either honestly interested in you, or he's looking for some a**. It's that simple.

Yes, guys can play fight with you and flirt...but have no interest in you as more than a friend or sexually. It happens...lol.

silly question. %26amp; such a simple answer.
nopes!! love is silent!! if a guy loves u den he'll nt tell u instead he'll give u some indications!!

rest of d guys r damn flirt which means dey only want a 2 minute love!!!

soooo bttr dun believe in teen guys!!
If these guys are anything like me this type of flirting would mean they are probably interested in you or might have a bit of a crush on you, but are too shy to actually let you know their real feelings.
no, they just want to be recognized that they are better... men's ego, what else?
now if you secretly sees him staring at you.

now yeah i guess he does feel something for you.

cuz those guys you can never be too sure about their feelings. especially teenagers.

Why does flirt like this?

this guy flirts with me all the time (poking, jumping out corners, tickiling etc.) but after he does it, he does it to someone else. and then another person. so he like flirts with every1. so yea. idk wut hes tryign to tell me.

Why does flirt like this?funny myspace

he secretly has down syndrome

Why does flirt like this?icons for myspace myspace.com

that isn't flirting that is playing tricks on people... he's a nut!
Perhaps he's not flirting, but just being goofy.
he wants ya
It sounds like he is just a playful kind of guy.
If he does it to everyone. He isn`t TELLING you anything. He is just having fun..
If you think he is trying to tell you something, ask him...straight out.
He must not be serious with you then. I mean if he flirts with other girls too. He just being the normal boy. It's nothing more.
Since it sounds like he is about 11 or 12, he will probably grow out of puberty in about 7 or 8 years.
He is seeking attention, dont take him seriously. You wouldnt want to go out with someone who flirts with everyone.
Some people are just flirtatious! It sounds to me like he sees you as a good friend and feels comfortable acting this way around you and other friends.
he just thinks ur cute or that ur nice hes just a big flirt dont over analize the situation!
He's just having fun and trying to make people laugh. Unless he does it to you more than others, then that is different as it is flirting.
sounds like hes fishing for someone to respond back.
It is not what he is telling you, it is what you are allowing yourself to believe.

He sounds pretty harmless and I think you are seeing something that is not there.

He is just treating you like everyone else and your ego is thinking that you are better than all these other people so.....

Calm down and think before you speak.

Step back and watch how he operates.

You may see the real deal.
hes probably not flirtin wit u, hes probably juss playin around. lik me n art, we laugh, tickle 1another, crack j/ks, scare by jumpin outa corners, n all dah othah goofy stuff... me n him r juss real good frenz. probably dah sam wit ur situation.

If men flirt a guy. Are they gays?

My friend is usually flirted by other guys. He is straight, but has an innocent baby face. Some men flirts him, and some are not comfortable when they get his company. His innocent looks is a charm to the gays? If so, how should he make this looks go away?

If men flirt a guy. Are they gays?scroll boxes for myspace

They're at least bi, and chances are, gay. No straight man would ever "come on" to another guy no matter how baby faced they are.

I know your question is how to make it stop, but I have a question also: Does your friend like it or not? I don't hear anything from HIM whether he is flattered or annoyed. What I hear is YOU not liking the attentions given to your friend...which would indicate envy on your part.

Are you, in fact, jealous?

If men flirt a guy. Are they gays?default myspace myspace.com

Ok hot guys usualy dont want to be ugly but if being hit on by guys is SOOOOOOO horrible, you can get plastic surgery? IDK all I know is that the phrase...."the gays" is offense
Grammar, Grammar, Grammar!!!!!!

Why don't you sleep with your friend and then he will know what he is missing????
I note its you asking the question not him. If he, not you, has a problem then he will just let them know he's not interested. If you are as jealous as you seem, let them, or him, know that you are interested.
Really, he needs to accept himself more. But there are some things he might can do. Growing facial hair might help make his face less babyish. Different clothes or glasses might help. I would not get surgery to become less attractive.

Remember that attraction works either way. If less gays are attracted to you, chances are, less women are as well.
May be he should work on his looks. Like act little manly. Grow some muscles (or even fat will do) or something.

Grow beard or even a gottie. Facial hair will make him look cool as well as not gay. He should try to talk in manly voice.

Or even change his attire by dressing in street wear. This usually will take away his baby look.

Also he should try to talk with other people. If doesn't talks to anyone then they will always make fun of him by teasing him and flirting him.
Probably. But not neccessary

Female bosses flirt with men who are their subordinates, this flirting is done with few men in the o

Does'nt this behaviour on the part of female bosses Unfair as it leaves a bad feeling amonst men who are ignored and not flirted with. Female bosses should treat all under them in same manner?

as she should be seen to be treating everyone in fair manner?

Female bosses flirt with men who are their subordinates, this flirting is done with few men in the office?tiny myspace

Either they flirt with everyone, or it's sexual discrimination!

Female bosses flirt with men who are their subordinates, this flirting is done with few men in the office?celebrities myspace myspace.com

Yeah sure. I'd love a female boss to flirt with me, anything for a good time at the office. But, the boss needs to be fair with all subordinates and pass the love around.
What's the question? Are you asking is it fair for your boss to flirt with one employee and not them all? Honestly, your boss shouldn't be flirting with anyone on the company dime. Hell, be grateful, cause if she flirted with you and you weren't interested, she may decide to make your life on the job miserable.
A touch of jealousy, dont worry your turn may come
I bet those grapes are sour.
i think they shouldnt be doing it at all, not to even one of the male surbodinates
One womans flirting is another womans sexual harressment, and it's the same same for men. (or it should be)

The whole situation regarding flirting has turned into a complete mess where everyones scared of saying anything remotely sexual because your just asking to end up in court.

It's particulally hard for managers, because in a office where there is a lot of sexual banter, it only needs one girl to be sacked for something not connected and suddenly it all comes out. He once said this, then then he suggested this, it's a minefield.

Women flirting is never seen as the same thing but that can only be the fault of us men, we are letting it become a one sided complaint.

Either we have a relaxed atmosphere and banter is just banter, or it is not allowed at all and people start to lose their jobs


Personally i think we've gone past the point of no return, it's now longer seen as an unaceptable thing to do, so suggest a quickie at your peril.
I have female bosses flirt with me, but I could care less, since I don't want them.

Do you flirt allot?

I somtimes find myself flirting with girls when i dont mean to,I will say somthing in responce to somthing and then its not until a few minutes later i realise that i was flirting.

Do you flirt allot?comment boxes for myspace

I flirt all the time without realising it!! Its all part of having fun love! :)

Do you flirt allot?myspace quotes myspace.comflirting is natural it means you have confidence which is good! jus dont make it too obvious if your not trying yo do it . Report It

Ofcourse I do...and it's fun!
yeah i know what you mean, i do that too=S lol
I try not to.. but usually other people say I was flirting afterwards :(
im gay and i flirt all the time, its in our jeans to.
Yes, I love to flirt.
Of course....it is great fun!
not so many men around me this past few months .... *sighed*
well are you are girl? ha. i accidently flirt with guys when i just mean to be friendly and they get the wrong idea. !!
yea i ckind of dont realize when im doin it until my friends pul me aside and go your fliriting
no, but i know someone who does to annoy me.
who doesnt flirt...i do it all the time, even if-like you said-i dont mean to. ?
Yeah. Everybody does it. It comes naturally.
flirting is so much fun. tht happened to me when i didnt even realize it
Yes I flirt a lot. It's all about the chase... haha jk. But it is fun.
lol if it took you a few minutes to realise maybe u werent flirting after all
Some people just have that personality...I dont think its bad... its nice to have compliments or flirty comments told to ya from time to time....
yes...but tend to be rude (mention real bad things like... blemish... hair colour and such) and hence not get laid! lol
yes flirting is fun
I can be a terrible flirt sometimes - luckily I am married to the most wonderful unjealous woman in the world.

Cybershot_fan don't worry, if I was around you, you would soon be flirted with!
I do it all the time but not realise.. Maybe because I like all women.. "Hi Belinda".. See there I go again
no, i'm married
I can have my moments with flirting with the ladies. all good harmless fun.
I'm terrible for it, I end up flirting all the time, its terribly embarrassin because half the time I dont know I'm doing it lol
well see i am the same way but i love flirt sometimes anyway and if the girl does not mind its ok
No, I don't flirt allot, or even a lot or much either ! ! !

Why does my girlfriend flirt behind my back when she says she loves me more than anything ?? 2?

i know i posted the same question.. ill make this one more detailed.... .. ok.. so i catch my girlfriend flirting with other guys every now and then.. i explain to her and tell her how it makes me depressed and that im a jealous guy... she says she cant help it tho that she is sorry... we really love eachother.. she says that she will NEVER EVER break up with me and that im stuck with her no matter what... i ask if she likes the guys she flirts with .. and she says no..she thinks there ugly also.. if she brings up a guy i randomly ask if she thinks these people she talks about are hot or good lookin to her..she always says no..she says that im the only good looking person in the world and that im gorgous..... she says she only loves me and will never start liking another guy even if she found some1 better then me.... i just dont get it... she tells me shes gonna stop...and then i asked her if she still flirts with guys like a month or two later.. and she says "im sure i have"

Why does my girlfriend flirt behind my back when she says she loves me more than anything ?? 2?cute myspace

she does love you and she is sorry she really doesn't notice she is doing it my friend does it all the time behind her boyfriends back and if you ask her if she likes that guy it is always the same answer no you no i love joey(her boyfriend) it is strange but it is just how some girls are and cant help it

Why does my girlfriend flirt behind my back when she says she loves me more than anything ?? 2?custom myspace myspace.com

When she says she loves you more than anything she's lying.
Your girlfriend is a dirty whore. Just cheat on her. Then don't return her calls.
All women flirt.
The dirty liar. Either that or her definition of flirting is different from yours.
It sounds like she's insecure, and needs to constantly validate herself by flirting with guys and getting a good reaction from them. Some people are like that, especially when they are young and selfish, and it sounds like you are young. You're either going to have to accept that she does this, or find someone else who isn't insecure.
SIMPLE : SHES A HO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could be she needs to "grow up" or she simply wants to 'play the field" cause she's not quite ready to be with only one b/f. Either way, the flirting can and likely will lead to more, only a matter of time or opportunity.
She may not be ready for commitment. She may love you, but probably isn't certain that you're the one. She needs to find out what other guys are like before she can "settle down".
I'm a girl, so I know that even though one might have a boyfriend, flirting is still a habit, and I find nothing wrong with harmless firting. We want to know that other guys like us, but it doesn't mean we want to actually date them. It's just what we do. Learn to live with it. However, if it's NOT harmless flirting, and it seems like she's really into the other guys, then break up. sry, but she's got to recognize that you have feelings too
Girls think completely different than guys do. You cant just ask her if she is flirting you either have to lay down the law or flirt with other girls to show her how it is. Your best bet is flirting with other girls infront of her and then acting like it was nothing. Girls think with there emotions so u have to get to there emotions not just there mind.
She is an attention monger! She is most probably a cheat to. You can always set her up to find out the truth. There are alot of ways to do this. But if you cant handle the truth, don't even bother. Odds are you'll get your little heart broken!
Sounds like you may be pretty young, but this is common when first dating. Self esteem hasn't fully developed, so she flirts because it makes her feel better about herself. You get jealous because you're unsure of yourself. It will get better as you get older. The odds of you spending your life with someone you're dating in high school is really slim though, so just have fun with her while you're together and realize that people change and you will most likely be with someone else soon. So, don't put too much weight into this one relationship. Try to relax and enjoy while you can. peace!
If you don't like it and she won't stop, then maybe you should start flirting with other girls. See how jealous she gets, maybe that'll let her feel how you feel when she flirts. It may get her to stop or it may prove that she has been lying about how secure your relationship really is.
Erm, cant say I agree with the ones below. You sound young, and very impressionable. You might think you love her, but don't get too attached if even you can tell that she's doing something to disrespect you. You do need to seriously consider breaking up with her, though, before she breaks your heart. Flirting is just as bad as cheating.
Ok man...you either trust her or you dont. Go with your gut instinct. Sorry to burst your bubble...but youre NOT the only good looking person in the world! I mean, come on, you actually beleive that?!! Its human nature to be attracted to people...it wouldnt be normal if you werent! Its okay to not want to get to know them or be as interested...Just do whatever makes you happy in life. If that means putting everything you have into your relationship with her then do it! But if you could be happier else where, then go, get on with your life and stop wasting your time!
I dated a girl who did the samething and said the same things to me. Its bullshyt buddy, My ex finally cheated on me and left me like i was nothing i did everything for her and it didnt matter she didnt care. Trust me dude shes not making u happy leave her casue she will leave u why would she do something that made u unhappy tell her its over u watch she'll either stop it or date another guy a weak laitter she no good man.
you know what turns girls on most?? jealousy

and she so loves making you jealous, she's just playing with you. remember that if she says she loves you, she loves you.

its okay to be jealous, it might even be a good thing at times.

just dont get too bummed by it. If youve been with this girl for a long time and you havent had too many problems with disloyalty then im sure its nothing...just in her nature
You know what it sounds like she's insecure that she needs to feel valuated by flirting you know how it is...When you flirt and get a responsive it feels empowering? It does but I she has you she shouldn't need that? Maybe you should compliment her more! I would say do some flirting too but two wrongs don't make a right!
First of all you need to work on your self esteem issues. If you were more confidant and trusting in your relationship you would not have this problem, yet your girlfriend is disrespecting you when she flirts with other guys. I went through this with my Fiance when we first met and I told him how it made me feel and I did not appreciate it. He did stop his flirting with other females, but at the same time My self esteem improved and I had to mentally tell myself that IF things did NOT change, Our relationship would end and I made it clear to him also. If we cannot trust each other and there is not mutual Respect, then a Future together would not be possible.
She has a self-esteem problem otherwise known as insecurity of how she appears to others. If she had high esteem of herself it would be unnecessary to flirt.

How to flirt with girls?

I want some tips on flirting with females particularly in their early 20s. I've been told I'm a very attractive guy many times I'm just not that familiar with flirting and asking girls out. I would really like to hear about some personal experiences and suggestions. Thanks!

How to flirt with girls?emo myspace

smile, tease her a little, make eye contact for just a few seconds longer than you usually would, laugh at her jokes, appear genuinely interested in what she has to say...girls in their early 20s love to be kind of teased about their appearance or clothes, because it shows that you're noticing their looks, be playful and coy...MAKE HER LAUGH! someone with a good sense of humor is a huge turn-on.

How to flirt with a certain girl.?

just very suttle flirts, not flirts that scream out i love you. Somethin on the subject of purto rico becaues she is full purto rican, and its purto rican day very soon. We are 8th graders and the year is ending very soon. IF I MESS UP IT WILL BE ON YOUR HEAD.

How to flirt with a certain girl.?myspace background

Tell her she looks nice, and if she goes for it, then tell her you'd like to see her over the summer

How to flirt with a certain girl.?flash myspace myspace.com

go to wikihow.com and look up flirting or whatever.
smile and look her in the eyes but don't stare at her that's a turn off 2 or 3 seconds is good then compliment her all girls love to be complimented
whoeversaid that you had to flirt with a girl to get with her?

just stand close to her. not while right in front of her but beside her. when you first see her put your hand on her sholder for a sec and say hello instead of tapping her sholder.

smile. girls are happy when ther know a guy she likes is happy. make jokes compliment her, and dont be afraid to do so in front of others! thats a big thing.

for purto rican day you can take her out to a nice purto rican restraunt of give her a purto rican gift. to make this even better try talking to her about her culture and that could get her interested in you and give you ideas for purto rican day.

How to flirt with girls?

I want some tips on flirting with females particularly in their early 20s. I've been told I'm a very attractive guy many times I'm just not that familiar with flirting and asking girls out. I would really like to hear about some personal experiences and suggestions. Thanks!

How to flirt with girls?emo myspace

smile, tease her a little, make eye contact for just a few seconds longer than you usually would, laugh at her jokes, appear genuinely interested in what she has to say...girls in their early 20s love to be kind of teased about their appearance or clothes, because it shows that you're noticing their looks, be playful and coy...MAKE HER LAUGH! someone with a good sense of humor is a huge turn-on.

Is it right to be in love with a man who is 10yrs younger to you and is a big flirt n has told his n

my sister is in lov with a man who is 10yrs younger to her she is 40 n seprated this guy loves her too n has done quite a lot ffor her but he is a big flirt n is having short affairs even physical with a lot of women this is in his nature n he had already told her about his nature beforehand.now she is in a fix she loves him so very much that she cant leave him n on other hand she is v v upset with his behaviour.the man himself went into this relationship first when my sisters marriage was falling apart but this man never came in front but helped her in every possibale way.she knows that he hs to get married one day but wants to stay as long as possible with him.both of them have started fighting a lit with eachother hurling insults.he says that my sister is old n ugly n he is obliging her by staying with her.my sister is goodlookig n she goes out of her way to do things for him.she loves him unconditonally n always takes him back after his every affair!!what should she do??HELP!!!!!!!

Is it right to be in love with a man who is 10yrs younger to you and is a big flirt n has told his nature b4?guy myspace

Very plain and very simple: she should leave him, and that has nothing to do with the age difference but everything with the way he treats her. He told her upfront how he is, and that, so I would say, is an excuse for him not to change and to continue as usual. There is nothing wrong with dating and even marrying a younger guy, but there is something wrong when a guy uses his "nature" as an excuse to have it as he pleases, yet, at the same time expects that the woman stays with him. A committment is a commitment and in a committed relationship neither one of them should feel the need to have affairs---that shows that there is a lack of committment on his part, and with that would I drop him like a hot potato if I was in your sister's shoes. Yes, it hurts, but a lot of time it is more of a hurt pride then hurt love. Love is a choice, not something that just happens, and maybe it would be helpful to her if she looked at what exactly this man is doing for her that she cannot do for herself.....Good Luck

Is it right to be in love with a man who is 10yrs younger to you and is a big flirt n has told his nature b4?plain myspace myspace.com

blah blah blah, he was honest up front so she has no right to complain about his behavior...if she doesn't like it, she should leave (their age difference is of no consequence).
read the book "he's just not that into you". it opened my eyes and helped me find the right man. also, it sounds like your sister has troubles with her own identity. she doesn't know how to stand alone without this man. maybe she should seek counseling to help her with her struggling self-image.
Either she is just in it for fun or she is a glutton for punishment. Either way there is nothing you can say or do to make her see this guy for what he is if she doesn't want to see it.
If she knew from the beginning what he was like, then there is nothing you or anybody else can say or do to change things. If they are starting to fight, she's grown enough to know that nobody deserves to be treated badly.

He may have helped her through a tough situation, but now it's all up to her to get her life in order. Just be there for her. I have a feeling that she'll be needing you soon.
now honestly, is this truly a delima for you. What on earth would anybody who wasn't legally retarded do?
Unfornatly you cannot stop your sister from making her own mistakes. You can tell her God created her to be a Queen and if he wont treat her like one then she deserves better. You pray for her and you be there each time to pick up the pieces and one of these days she will stand up for herself and gain enough respect for herself that she wont put up with it any more and you help her move on.
There is nothing you can do about it. It's your sister's choice and decision to stay with this guy.

You can try to find another man for her. But whether she will go for him or not only she will decide.
Well ! he doesn't seem a right person to me. Ur sis needs to find a life partner again... that 'll be good for her, no matter what the person's age can be.

But the person should be genuine %26amp; real gentleman to welcome ur sis into his life %26amp; save her rest of their lives.

If the man hurls insult %26amp; calls someone ugly... he is not the right kind.. there will be a pile of problems again if they get married.

Ur sis has to undertsand this %26amp; find a better person. Beauty lies in the heart not ext always.
10 years difference in a relationship like this is nothing to worry.

But, the main thing is to worry about is simply they are not on same page.

You wrote "he says that my sister is old n ugly n he is obliging her by staying with her.my sister is goodlookig n she goes out of her way to do things for him".

Your sister does not need him, she needs her head examined by a good doctor.

Just tell her to put a distance, unless she wants to be miserable all her life.

Show this to her (this replies to her). After marriage this will, and can get only worst, so tell her to think about it.

If your sister has asked your advice then it is, a good thing to let her know what others think of this relationship, and what you think of this.

But after all she is your sister and so it is worth a try. Hope she will come to her senses and breaks up before he leaves her for yet another girl or woman, and breaks her heart.
watch monday nights age of love and then answer that ????
Age difference matters much after 40,don't do it. One has to repent. [either spouse]
I think your sister is no way less then that guy. She too is very much habitual, dying for either his money or some thing else. You need to set your own house in order first. I think if she clears off him she could get many good proposals, which could be permanent in nature.

They both are haveing their hay time, just trying to have their own.

Let them ply, at the end of the day there would be goal .
its time she finds another serious and mature guy, from what you are saying it seems that this guy may damage your sister's self-worth save her, let her first think for herself and then let them talk it out among themselves. your sister is a experienced and mature person i hope she should be able to see what is good for her on her own, in your position you can only give her some wise piece of advice i.e is only when asked, at other times she'll need your emotional support and understanding.
You sister has no man in her life .... and you cannot give her something that this man can ... a good time ... at 40 she needs no suggestion and knows whats good for her .... i guess more then caring for her you seemed to ashamed of her act ... i think you should mind your own busines and let her enjoy the moment even if its there for a small time ....
More than the age differnce, it is the attitude that matters. It si clear that he wants to ahve differnt tastes, and had your sister in his mind only in that sense. If he loves your sister so much tehn he shall shun all his bad habits and come to her. Tell her to dump him and live a dignified life.

I want to ask a question might found uncivilised one. But I have a very hot sexy aunt. I tried to fl

I tried to flirt her for spending a night with her on bed. I got an opportunity and I tried to get into her but instead she took me into her. What should I do Should I propose her. She is 25 and I am 21.She is unmarried sexy hot bash. Please help??????????

I want to ask a question might found uncivilised one. But I have a very hot sexy aunt. I tried to flirt her .?small myspace

Are you high right now?

I want to ask a question might found uncivilised one. But I have a very hot sexy aunt. I tried to flirt her .?myspace text myspace.com

just enjoy the party!dont bother proposing cz that is just a crush so have fun whenever u can but forget about proposals cz you wont be able to handle it and besides she is your aunt..........
uhh what? You want to propose to your aunt? .... no.
that is weird because you are either flirting with your mom's sister or your dad's sister...
It is disscusting DON'T do that
aunt? i don't think so, ,get over her man!
do you realize that this person is one of your parent's sister??? she has the same genes as you...your kids could be handicaps...plus ewww i mean its your aunt, please let her go and dont be proud about what you did, it was wrong and gross.
That is not only an ethical problem, but you have the same gene with your aunt. I think you'd better find another way,eg. find another person. If you think it's reasonable about my advice, i think you can go to millionairematch.com in which you may find a similar one with your aunt. Good luck!
your aunt no it's illegal and tihnk of it this way she is your moms sister or your dad's siter she is close to you family go find someone else she is a waste of your time

Is it right to be in love with a man who is 10yrs younger to you and is a big flirt n has told his n

my sister is in lov with a man who is 10yrs younger to her she is 40 n seprated this guy loves her too n has done quite a lot ffor her but he is a big flirt n is having short affairs even physical with a lot of women this is in his nature n he had already told her about his nature beforehand.now she is in a fix she loves him so very much that she cant leave him n on other hand she is v v upset with his behaviour.the man himself went into this relationship first when my sisters marriage was falling apart but this man never came in front but helped her in every possibale way.she knows that he hs to get married one day but wants to stay as long as possible with him.both of them have started fighting a lit with eachother hurling insults.he says that my sister is old n ugly n he is obliging her by staying with her.my sister is goodlookig n she goes out of her way to do things for him.she loves him unconditonally n always takes him back after his every affair!!what should she do??HELP!!!!!!!

Is it right to be in love with a man who is 10yrs younger to you and is a big flirt n has told his nature b4?guy myspace

Very plain and very simple: she should leave him, and that has nothing to do with the age difference but everything with the way he treats her. He told her upfront how he is, and that, so I would say, is an excuse for him not to change and to continue as usual. There is nothing wrong with dating and even marrying a younger guy, but there is something wrong when a guy uses his "nature" as an excuse to have it as he pleases, yet, at the same time expects that the woman stays with him. A committment is a commitment and in a committed relationship neither one of them should feel the need to have affairs---that shows that there is a lack of committment on his part, and with that would I drop him like a hot potato if I was in your sister's shoes. Yes, it hurts, but a lot of time it is more of a hurt pride then hurt love. Love is a choice, not something that just happens, and maybe it would be helpful to her if she looked at what exactly this man is doing for her that she cannot do for herself.....Good Luck

Is it right to be in love with a man who is 10yrs younger to you and is a big flirt n has told his nature b4?plain myspace myspace.com

blah blah blah, he was honest up front so she has no right to complain about his behavior...if she doesn't like it, she should leave (their age difference is of no consequence).
read the book "he's just not that into you". it opened my eyes and helped me find the right man. also, it sounds like your sister has troubles with her own identity. she doesn't know how to stand alone without this man. maybe she should seek counseling to help her with her struggling self-image.
Either she is just in it for fun or she is a glutton for punishment. Either way there is nothing you can say or do to make her see this guy for what he is if she doesn't want to see it.
If she knew from the beginning what he was like, then there is nothing you or anybody else can say or do to change things. If they are starting to fight, she's grown enough to know that nobody deserves to be treated badly.

He may have helped her through a tough situation, but now it's all up to her to get her life in order. Just be there for her. I have a feeling that she'll be needing you soon.
now honestly, is this truly a delima for you. What on earth would anybody who wasn't legally retarded do?
Unfornatly you cannot stop your sister from making her own mistakes. You can tell her God created her to be a Queen and if he wont treat her like one then she deserves better. You pray for her and you be there each time to pick up the pieces and one of these days she will stand up for herself and gain enough respect for herself that she wont put up with it any more and you help her move on.
There is nothing you can do about it. It's your sister's choice and decision to stay with this guy.

You can try to find another man for her. But whether she will go for him or not only she will decide.
Well ! he doesn't seem a right person to me. Ur sis needs to find a life partner again... that 'll be good for her, no matter what the person's age can be.

But the person should be genuine %26amp; real gentleman to welcome ur sis into his life %26amp; save her rest of their lives.

If the man hurls insult %26amp; calls someone ugly... he is not the right kind.. there will be a pile of problems again if they get married.

Ur sis has to undertsand this %26amp; find a better person. Beauty lies in the heart not ext always.
10 years difference in a relationship like this is nothing to worry.

But, the main thing is to worry about is simply they are not on same page.

You wrote "he says that my sister is old n ugly n he is obliging her by staying with her.my sister is goodlookig n she goes out of her way to do things for him".

Your sister does not need him, she needs her head examined by a good doctor.

Just tell her to put a distance, unless she wants to be miserable all her life.

Show this to her (this replies to her). After marriage this will, and can get only worst, so tell her to think about it.

If your sister has asked your advice then it is, a good thing to let her know what others think of this relationship, and what you think of this.

But after all she is your sister and so it is worth a try. Hope she will come to her senses and breaks up before he leaves her for yet another girl or woman, and breaks her heart.
watch monday nights age of love and then answer that ????
Age difference matters much after 40,don't do it. One has to repent. [either spouse]
I think your sister is no way less then that guy. She too is very much habitual, dying for either his money or some thing else. You need to set your own house in order first. I think if she clears off him she could get many good proposals, which could be permanent in nature.

They both are haveing their hay time, just trying to have their own.

Let them ply, at the end of the day there would be goal .
its time she finds another serious and mature guy, from what you are saying it seems that this guy may damage your sister's self-worth save her, let her first think for herself and then let them talk it out among themselves. your sister is a experienced and mature person i hope she should be able to see what is good for her on her own, in your position you can only give her some wise piece of advice i.e is only when asked, at other times she'll need your emotional support and understanding.
You sister has no man in her life .... and you cannot give her something that this man can ... a good time ... at 40 she needs no suggestion and knows whats good for her .... i guess more then caring for her you seemed to ashamed of her act ... i think you should mind your own busines and let her enjoy the moment even if its there for a small time ....
More than the age differnce, it is the attitude that matters. It si clear that he wants to ahve differnt tastes, and had your sister in his mind only in that sense. If he loves your sister so much tehn he shall shun all his bad habits and come to her. Tell her to dump him and live a dignified life.

My ex that i still like & am pretty sure he likes me is goin out wit my Bff he and i flirt alot

I think he likes me too but am not to sure we flirt a whole bunch

My ex that i still like %26amp; am pretty sure he likes me is goin out wit my Bff he and i flirt alot wat do i do?myspace ip

If I were you, I'd stay away. I know thats harsh to say, but think about it: If he's flirting with you while he's seeing your bff, wouldn't he do the same with other girls? I know this girl is your best friend, but don't you want her to be happy or do you just want this guy for yourself?

You can always ask him what is up or why he flirts with you.

My ex that i still like %26amp; am pretty sure he likes me is goin out wit my Bff he and i flirt alot wat do i do?myspace co myspace.com

I cant really say much since i dont know you or your situation, but the best advice i could probably give you is it to remember the reason ya'll broke up in the first place. If it wasnt a serious problem that came between you then wait for him to make the first move. A girl never makes the first move.

Why do guys flirt so weird?

Guy 1: he would call me a bassss-terd [i ment to spell that wrong] and a fagggott just because he would want a reaction out of me. But that was still his way of flirting.

Guy2: he pushed me into a mosh pit and when i scrambled to get out of there he took me into his arms.

Does that make ANY SENSE?!

Tell me you're weirdest flirting experience.

Best or worst pick up lines.

Why do guys flirt so weird?fun myspace.com

Lmao you must be some Alien... wierd flirts haha

Why do guys flirt so weird?cool myspace myspace.com

Wow, that's weird.
Guys are just different from girls. That's how life is...

But, they just want to get your attention. Like how girls are but, they have a different way and meaner way of showing it...

This guy I like is so funny and always has the best jokes.....I just don't know how to flirt wi

How do I flirt with someone who is so joking....I really like him. He is just so different from anyone I've met. Please give me some pointers???

This guy I like is so funny and always has the best jokes.....I just don't know how to flirt with him .?kids myspace

When he says something funny, tell him "your so cute and funny" while poking him on the side....and then ask him if you can massage his feet.

This guy I like is so funny and always has the best jokes.....I just don't know how to flirt with him .?premade myspace myspace.comnever underestimate the pleasure points of the feet. Report It

Simply laugh at his jokes.
Be yourself, but be your best self.
Its hard to flirt with someone who's always cracking jokes. But 'd say your best bet is to use body language. Smile, laugh, etc.
You've got the perfect opening. Like the lady above me said, laugh at his jokes, give him the 'you're SO funny!" and lean in as you say it and TOUCH HIM.

It's that simple!
Just tell me you like my bicepts Nikki and we can out for dinner.
Laugh and say wateva comes to mind

I find that very sexy
Sometimes those are the saddest people... careful.. Many comics are serious, stressed out and mean behind closed doors...
if u get him alone...then he wnt play so many jokes.....that would be a good way...but dnt do ne thing....bad...just get him alone to make a move!!
The guy already knows that he's funny, and laughing all the time won't get you to flirt with him. Everyone is laughing, so what you want to do is something different in order to get his attention. You have to figure out what exactly.
Be yourself act crazy sometimes(within reason). Just be yourself and if your shy thats all right. Mabe thats why hes so funny he just wants to see a smile on your face.
You will have trouble because there are female jokesters too and he may perceive your come ons as such. So you have to catch him at a serious time. When he is low on the jokes for the day...flirting isn't gonna do it, because of his mindset. It also is protection for him cause he is either uncomfortable in the prescence of girls or a situation.
Hunney I will tell u something ok have a group of friends make sure he sees u(but it is important that he does not hear u) and then tell ur friends some jokes and even if there not funny tell ur them if they will fake laugh 4 u and hun u will get ur man.

Next time wear a mini skirt without underwear and roll on the floor laughing at his joke.
well i think that if you want to flirt with this guy you can either comment him on his jokes and ask him the common ?tion about where he gets his jokes from or,you can get to really no him and ask him about his favorite comedians or if he wants to be a Professional.

I Hope This Helps You
Just show him your boobies and see if he responds.

How do you flirt? i need help!!! please!?

with a guy that may like you that someimes flirts with you

How do you flirt? i need help!!! please!?myspace tweaks

smile, laugh at his jokes, be nice

How do you flirt? i need help!!! please!?top 10 myspace myspace.com

Stroke his arm and give him a cucumber and a bottle of KY and watch his heart melt for you.
Yo Bobbie J,

Mimic his motions. If he moves his arms to his chin, do the same, but don't be too obvious.

Slightly tap him or 'accidently' touch him with your legs.

Talk at this rate of speech, basically copy the way he talks.

1) Smile at him shyly, look him in the eyes as you do. WHATEVER HAPPENS, YOU LOOK AWAY FIRST - It leaves them mystified xD

2) Laugh A LOT at his jokes. Even if they're not funny. Cheesy, yes I know, but it works! Guys love it when you think they're funny.

3) Compliment him. Say his arms look bigger, or he has a nice smile.

4) Touch him. When you're talking, brush by his arm, pretending it was an accident.

GOOD LUCK!! This is all the flirting that ever REALLY works.
When u see him looking at u, turn to look at him straight in the eye and u kind of like blink slowly, look down and shy away with a little sexy smile. And then casually notice if he's looking at u. If it works, do it again and soon he should come over and talk to you.

Flirt tips to help me flirt with this guyy i like i tink he likes me but weve only talked like 4 tim

good flirtting tips

Flirt tips to help me flirt with this guyy i like i tink he likes me but weve only talked like 4 times?myspace.com music

4 times????

hmm...you should asked his number...

when you meet him, Eye contact is important...

"Body Language"

hmm....if he knows one of your friends,asked your friend to make a plan of dating...gud luck

Flirt tips to help me flirt with this guyy i like i tink he likes me but weve only talked like 4 times?www myspaces com myspace.com

begin with learning to spell, guys like brains too
tell him you can do amazing things with your tongue
Just ask him to do you. How can he refuse? If he is really a guy he will want to know more.
girlie the easiest way to aproach a man is asking him out,,,,

If he is the party type then ask him to the disc,

If he is a sporty type then try futbal..

or movies or what evr jus get to kno his interests and let himnot kno that u hav a crush on him jus be good to him and let him hav a crush on u....

make him like u ...if u still wanna kno more abt this then jus pm me girlie..
Boy!! is'nt that enough. You be yourself and he will like it that way better than you pretend what you are not.

Men do prefer women with a bit of brains and a whole lot in the barn yard. If you have it, you have Him ;-)
just be yourself. follow your heart. if you follow your heart you cant go wrong. if he likes you he will get the hint good luck
just ask him to hang out
Write down your first name, last name, phone number(s) and email address, and keep it in your purse, next time you get to talk to him, hand it to him and say "I'd like to get to talk with you more" or "I've been wanting to see that new movie" or "maybe we can go to McDonalds sometime, I'll buy" etc.

Eye contact is very important.

Do you think shes just a flirt?

heres the deal i really like this girl and she knows it and ive been told she really likes me and she knows that i know also so we both know we like eachother but when we went out last night we started talking and one of her ex boyfriends showed up and the first half of the night she just told me how much she hated him then the second half she was trying to get him to come over to where we were to talk to her and it seemed like they were both flirting with eachother in the kind of teasing way and they were doing that almost the whole night and the second half of the night it seemed as if i almost left even though me and her had such a great time the first half with eachother

should i just say thats it and walk away knowing that if we go out that she might be flirting with her ex's behind my back

or should i still give it try?

and if your gonna say i sound too young then please dont bother answering


Do you think shes just a flirt?myspace ip

Leave her behind, obviosly she is using you as rebound boy. It sucks, i know.

Do you think shes just a flirt?myspace co myspace.com

It sounds like she isn't over her ex so don't try quite yet!
you know if she doesn't wan't you i'm always here!!!....:-P
Whether or not she still likes her ex, she treated you with a total lack of respect by ignoring you the whole night. There are other women out there that will so you don't need to worry about this one. Women that act that way usually are insecure, and therefore, bad relationship material anyway.
she might be using her ex to make you feel jealous. may be she likes to play with people's feelings. Ask her outright what she is up to. where is the man in you????????????
Get out of this complex relationship and get something more easy to handle.OK.
ask her out

good lucko_0
she might not be over her ex yet....do u have any idea how long ago did they break up and under what circumstances? the fact that she was talking about him, telling u how much she hates him can be a sign that she still has a thing for he guy. i don`t think u should back off just yet....try talking to her, ask her what was that all about and try to get her to be honest about how she feels bout that guy, but don`t make it sound like a questioning! if she will seem to you that she`s ready for a new relationship after your talk with her, go for it! she might have wanted him to come over to your table only to make him uncomfortable to show him that she`s moved on, and that she`s with u now....the problem with that is, that it`s unlikely she would have done that unless she still feels smth for him....either way u need to sit her down and have a talk with her, to see what the situation really is, before u can know what to do bout the two of u....good luck!
you should try more

For all the single ones out there looking for romance:


Why would a guy sweettalk & flirt with me and then stop and flirt w/ another girl in front of my

he flirted with me for a few weeks but then all of a sudden one day he flirts with another girl right in front of my face. geez what a disrespectful jerk. like even if the girl does not like the guy, its still like a slap-in-the-face. what the heck is he doing?

Why would a guy sweettalk %26amp; flirt with me and then stop and flirt w/ another girl in front of my face?big brother myspace

his a playa %26amp;%26amp; possibly a jerk

Why would a guy sweettalk %26amp; flirt with me and then stop and flirt w/ another girl in front of my face?myspace cursors myspace.com

He's a player.

A LOT of guys are like that. One minute they'll flirt with you, get your hopes up and the next minute they'll be flirting with someone else.

Just don't worry about it, still be friendly, but don't have any romantic hopes with him...he's not worth your time.

Good luck!
being the best jerk that he can be. Just ignore him and thank God that you are not with a guy like that
Maybe he just likes flirting.

Love Jack
well, he never said he was to commited 24/7 to u and he never said any wedding vows flirting is something guys and girls just do maybe he doesn't even notice he does it. Don't take it so personally.

Good Luck,

Is it possible your being a little hard on the guy? It sounds like you were not interested and he moved on. If you were not interested then flirting in front of you should have been no big deal, unless of course you were interested in which case did you let him know you were? If he knew you were interested an flirted anyway then he is either trying to make you jealous or he is a disrespectful jerk and you should not waste anger, or anything else on him. If you were not interested cut him a break, he is just moving on to someone else that caught his eye.
some guys just like to flirt, thinking that they might get some where. if you want to get back at him, the next time he flirts with you, flirt back, but twice as much, then blow him off infront of his friends and start flirting with someone else
He's trying to get you jelous! Think about it! He flirts with u, he must like you, you never went out, hes trying to get u jelous, so u will ask him out!
hmmm..it is rather disrespectful....however, are you and him just friends? or is something going on? if he's been flirting with you for a few weeks and nothing is happening, maybe this is his way of getting a reaction out of you. it obviously is working, seeing as you seem upset about it. Guys are weird like that, he sounds like he's trying to gt a rise out of you to get you to make the next move.

I was in Class 2day i saw another boy flirtin with my girl and i want 2 know how to flirt but not be

She was smiling and laughing i mean she was mad at me but we made up but how can i flirt with her without making it noticible by every1 ps.no1 knows we go out.

I was in Class 2day i saw another boy flirtin with my girl and i want 2 know how to flirt but not be so flirtysearch myspace

u should tell her how u feel if u don't want 2 do that wink at her sit near her when u see her but don't be 2,2,2 clingy

my advice 2 u

I was in Class 2day i saw another boy flirtin with my girl and i want 2 know how to flirt but not be so flirtygood myspace myspace.com

Wow, grow up. This is weird. How can you flirt but no one knows you go out. Wierd
no one knows your going out? sounds like this relationship is immature and short. wait...if your ARE dating, then why would you NOT want to be flirty? this is a weird scenerio..
one way is to make her laugh and smile allot at her stare at her make he know you love her that is basically flirting and tell people that you go out it isent tthat bad i told ppl and now our relation ship has never been better
like make her laugh n stuff

%26amp; likkee, i d k, ya know?

[dude ur slow;;]
Don't show her you're jealous...girls do not like the jealous type. Don't act any different than you do now or else everyone will get the hint. You can't suddenly just start flirting with someone and expect everyone to not notice it.
Tell people. If you dont wanna tell people ( i did that once) than make her laugh..you know? like tell jokes but not set up jokes...like someone says somthing make a joke out of it WITH OUT being mean...but just enough to make her laugh..and make sure its not her friend....so basicly make her laugh and smile just like the other guy but she'll like it more cause she loves you
Just be yourself don鈥檛 try do be somebody your not if you dumps you its her loss, you will be the better for it.
If no ones knows that you go out, are you sure that your are dating. Is she keeping it from her friends or something. And how old are you. Just be yourself and if she really wants you then that should be it. You should stop being so dang childish.
mmh y doesnt ppl konw ur goin out!?

just flirt

IF your boyfriend tells you he loves you and nobody else but he still allow girls to touch him and f

ME and my boyfirend have been going out for two years and all he does is flirt and let girls touch all over him and he acts like im the bad person when I get mad, then he gets mad when I do the same thing after he does.

IF your boyfriend tells you he loves you and nobody else but he still allow girls to touch him and flirt w/t/dwrestlers myspace

you should tell him that you are not over reacting, people in close relationships do not let other people grope them. also tell thoose little hussies to stop touchin your man.

IF your boyfriend tells you he loves you and nobody else but he still allow girls to touch him and flirt w/t/dlove girls myspace myspace.com


Guys - How should a girl flirt?

To guys - what makes you want a woman? What kind of flirting moves make you like her without causing her to seem desperate or slutty? What was the best way a girl flirted with you?

Guys - How should a girl flirt?new myspace

eyes meet the eyes and gestures of unspoken words with a little touch here and there

Guys - How should a girl flirt?myspace layouts myspace.com

by wearing a loose shirt and bending over right in front of them or rubbing their leg or something like that so they will know you like them
eyes don't lose way !!

*I need help with a guy who i like who is my friend and a huge flirt!!!!!!!*?

Well there's this guy that i like and he is a huge flirt! I am the extremely jealous type so it kinda bothers me.But we're really good friends and i wanna be more.But i don't know how to do it? Some days it seems like he likes me and some days we're just friends. People say we make a cute couple and sometimes we'll do things that couples do.But i just don't know what to do to make him see me as more than a friend! HELP PLEEZ!!!!!!!

*I need help with a guy who i like who is my friend and a huge flirt!!!!!!!*?pimp myspace

The funny thing you are in the same situation im in. Do the samething im doing right now.

1. Let that person know you care for them

2. Be a better friend

3. Find out more about that person (likes or dislikes)

4. Ask them out more

5. Be patience (nothing happens over night)

*I need help with a guy who i like who is my friend and a huge flirt!!!!!!!*?stars myspace myspace.com

tell him ho w you feel

I know, not the answer you're looking for, but if he's a "ladies man" type, he'll most likely just hurt you.
woah woah woah girl! slow down a bit! we need a little more information about how close you guys are and what kind of conversations you guys have! other than that, if people notice and say you make a cute couple, than maybe he is into you. just dont rush things too much. but dont take forever either.... =p
You answered yourself already.

Why would he stop being a huge flirt if he started going out with you.

How am i going 2 get a boy 2 ask me out? or atleast make him flirt with me? i really like him....?

i really like this kid, and he has been talking 2 me more then usual. and i dont know anyway to get him 2 ask me out! and i dnt want to ask him out because if he says no, then that will be embarrassing. ya know? so, i need a little boy help on how 2 make him ask me out. or make him flirt around me. thnx! %26lt;3

How am i going 2 get a boy 2 ask me out? or atleast make him flirt with me? i really like him....?graphics for myspace

start flirting around with him, once he See's you doing it I'm sure he'll do it more and maybe even ask you out.

How am i going 2 get a boy 2 ask me out? or atleast make him flirt with me? i really like him....?myspace tweaks myspace.combeing very honest is a start, I hate being hurt by lies, good cooking is good too, I love food! or if you cant cook then if you know what I like and you order it on our date, Ill love you forever! Report It

take interest in his favorite topics, but dont go on about something you have no clue about, I hate that! Report It

Buy me something I like, maybe not necessarily expensive as someone pointed out, thats a waste of money if he wont like you back. Report It

make sure my dog likes you, and youre comfortable around him even when he slobbers all over you, like my friends, make them laugh, make them want to have you around Report It

be creative, and with new ideas, I hate old an dboring same things, find out what I liek and ask me to hang out there or do it! ask my friends to find out what works for me Report It

make a party and invite me over, dont drink too much I hate that, cos then youre drunk and you might puke on me, Report It

but have some to be in good spirits and ask me to dance if I like you Ill forget about the fact that I cant dance and Ill dance with you Report It

and if Im too shy Ill tell you then say lets go and have some privacy or something and be alone, If I like you Ill love that Idea Report It

comment on his car, his clothes, anything he has and likes a lot, research it and find a fact you're sure he might not know! Report It

also a cool thing is is to get all ticlky with him when youre in privacy like a bedrooma nd then mess about ont the bed, this lets me know that youre comfortable with yourself and that you feel good around me Report It

and then at one point you can pin me down and look right into my eyes and if I like you ill try and get up to kiss you and if I dont ill back off if I want to kiss you Id like it if you bend down so my neck doesnt heart when Im going up! Report It

ask me to a movie I like or tell em you rented my favorite movie but have no one to watch it wit, if you hate the movie, then dont bother its a waste of time and I hate that Report It

get a good comedy we will bnoth like and invite some friends over but make sure they talk to my friends and plan it so were alone, mayeb they cant come, the car breaks down, or they all leave early for some reason and I was planning to stay for later Report It

this is hard to plan since it was already seen billions of times and it might be obvios and the best of all is just to flat out ask me if I feel like a date! maybe sit with him at school or plan a project together Report It

get your friend to tell his friend shed love to work with him and so he can swap and be with you! or another idea is to get your friends to plan with his friends a blind date for the 2 of you and to pretend you dont know and so he wont know either Report It

and they can ask him if he does blind dates and if yes his friends will plan it with your friends and you supposedly have no idea its him! Good luck! Report It

I'm sorry for posting all this it's just I wrote it out and well you ended the question and I didn't want my writing to go to a waste Report It

Seriously. Just ask him out. Flirt more if you want... but there's no point in sitting around and waiting.
while ur talking casually bring it up, like its nothing =)

good luck!

help me with my question? (:

Ask him anyway! How do you think boys feel? Somebody has to make a move, and life is too short to worry about being embarrassed because he said no.

most boys like girls that play 'hard to get'

So, make it apparent that you like him,

but not to obvious, maybe tell one of his friends,

that you think he's cute or something.

but dont drag it on, you want to make it known,

without making it seem like your obsessed.

dont be clingy, and flirt a lil.

make some plans with him,

movies, stuff like that.
If he's talking to you more than usual, just be friendly and responsive when he talks to you. Guys are all about "the hunt", so wait for him to get around to asking you out. He's trying to get better acquainted with you to see if he is interested enough to ask you out. Give him time, sit back and watch. If he doesn't ask you out, that means he's not that interested...so you don't want to pursue someone who isn't head over heals into you. The ones that are realllyyy into you will treat you much much better. If this guy isn't the one, wait for others. You can't hurry love! You just have to wait.
just bite the bullet and ask him. me as a guy would be flattered if a girl came up to me and just asked! Oh but if you think he is out of your league be cautious
In this day and age, you don't need to wait for the boys! Just talk to him! Ask him to do something with you (walk home from school? go to a movie with other friends? come to your house to play video games? go to McD's for a cheeseburger? go to the library to work on a project for school?) There are endless possibilities. It's hard to offer more suggestions because we don't know what your age or his age is. I'm dating someone now because I asked him if he wanted to practice tennis sometime (we're on the same tennis league). If you want something, you should take charge of your own life.
First thing is to stop using #2!

Second just talk to him and become friends. The rest will follow. Dont wait for him to make the move. Maybe he is shy or thinks you are to pretty for him.
as much as you want, you cant make a boy like you, or flirt with you. if he likes you, then he will flirt with you.

if you really like him, then, you might want to ask him out.

he might like you, but is just too shy to ask you out.

good luck!!!
I know it will be embarresing if he says no but you will will never know unless you take a chance. You need to engage him in polite conversation then when the time is right you will ask him. If he says no then its a loss for him. Good luck:)

Guys especially (girls too), can you help me figure out what my guy friend wants?? Am I just a flirt

He talks to me a LOT %26amp; tells me so many personal things. He knows so much about me and I so much about him. He texts me about 4-5x a day %26amp; calls randomly. Last 2 months, he calls for silly things, and just talks to me. Each time he calls, he gets more and more personal, which the last convo being about my family, future plans, etc. He really respects me %26amp; if I am ever mad at him, he will freak out and apologize continuously. I feel like we're in a relationship, but we're not. A few months ago, day after his breakup, my idiot friend asked his feelings for me %26amp; he said he liked me as a friend. But ever since that day, he has been flirting more than ever. It was since that day that he started texting %26amp;calling so much, staring and blushing. If he wants me in his life so much, why doesn't he make a move? Am I in a friend zone? If I am, why does he flirt??? He kissed some girl on the cheek while drunk at a bar the other night. I'm so sad...what does he want??

Guys especially (girls too), can you help me figure out what my guy friend wants?? Am I just a flirt buddy?icons for myspace

well, i think that he REALLY, REALLY likes you but he either:

1) doesnt think you like him

2) needs someone to talk to

i know thats kind of confusing, but hopefully you know what im saying. he probably said that to your friend because he didnt want you or your friend to know. sorry this wasnt much help... if he's getting personal, tho, then maybe you should get personal back. ask him about his life and his "love life". then maybe do a little digging and drop subtle hints or something....

Guys especially (girls too), can you help me figure out what my guy friend wants?? Am I just a flirt buddy?hidden myspace myspace.com

No you won' make a fool outta yourself!!! Sometimes I'm SO glad that the girl makes the first move because I'm too afraid to. You gotta realize some of us guys can kiss any girl but the ones that know us best are the ones we treat with caution. You probably mean A LOT to him and I had a friend I've known since August and I started REALLY liking her in January and I found out today that she likes me too! So just be patient with him and he'll realize he has something good right in front of him!
WOW you and this dude sound EXACTLY like my guy friend and I! He probably hasn't made a move yet because he doesn't know how you feel since I'm sure he knows you guys are "just friends" as well. He's obviously finicky about you and a relationship, so I would say just wait it out. It SUCKS I know. I am going through the same thing right now.

So there's that wuss answer, or you could grow a set and sit him down and ask him what all this sudden behavior change is about and if it means anything...if he plays stupid, just laugh it off somehow and see if your calling it to his attention changes anything. If he's serious, he'll fess up.

Good luck!
Well,Maybe he doesnt know how to ask you out!He is scared if he likes you then if he breaks your heart then it ruin a friendship.Dont be scared to hug.Just do it.Then you will feel good towards your self and possibly him.Who knows.I say go 4 it.Go hug him and say its ok or whatever.Something like that.

cafe racer